“A arte de um povo é a sua alma viva, o seu pensamento, a sua língua no significado mais alto da palavra; quando atinge a sua expressão plena, torna-se património de toda a humanidade, quase mais do que a ciência, justamente porque a arte é a alma falante e pensante do homem, e a alma não morre, mas sobrevive à existência física do corpo e do povo.”
“The art of a people is their living soul, their thought, their language in the highest sense of the word; when it reaches its full expression, it becomes the heritage of all humanity, almost more than science, precisely because art is the speaking and thinking soul of man, and the soul does not die, but survives the physical existence of the body and the people.”
“The art of a people is their living soul, their thought, their language in the highest sense of the word; when it reaches its full expression, it becomes the heritage of all humanity, almost more than science, precisely because art is the speaking and thinking soul of man, and the soul does not die, but survives the physical existence of the body and the people.”
Património Arquitetónico / Architectural Heritage

Património Natural / Natural Heritage

Património Imaterial / Intangible Heritage

Património Industrial & Técnico / Industrial and Technical Heritage

Património Literário & Artístico / Literary and Artistic Heritage

Património Gastronómico / Gastronomic Heritage

Património Arqueológico / Archaeological Heritage

Património Religioso / Religious Heritage